Collisions is a series of interconnected chemistry games designed to bring game-based learning experiences into high school chemistry classes and assist teachers with their curriculum.  
Collisions features eight games that delve deep into chemistry concepts such as Atoms, Ions, Covalent Bonding, Acids & Bases, Intermolecular Forces, Phase Change and Equilibrium. Every game features a set of challenge levels as well as a sandbox for further exploration. 
As I worked as the visual designer for over three years my responsibilities included:
➤  User experience, visual designwireframes, and mockups.
➤  Implementation of visuals for paper prototypes and digital prototypes.
➤  Cross platform deliveries on web, iOS, Chromebook and Android devices.
➤  Attending conferences to connect with school administrators and teachers while                     demonstrating the app.
➤  Play testing in schools across NYC, while using student and teacher feedback to make             the game more enjoyable.
➤  Teacher portal and materials designed to help teachers keep track of student progress.
➤  Understanding of chemistry concepts and how they can be created as visuals.
➤  Collaboration with a chemistry pedagogy team, developers and working closely with               the creative director.
➤  New tutorial and menu user experience implementation and visuals.
➤  QA testing the app on all platforms.
➤  Worked on the games Acids & Bases, Intermolecular Forces, Phase Change and initial               concepts and design for Equilibrium.
Acids & Bases demonstrates how acids are proton donors and bases are proton acceptors. Players explore this by removing a proton from an acid and attaching it to a base while creating a neutralization reaction.
Player can pull a proton off an acid and donate it to a base.
Player can pull a proton off an acid and donate it to a base.
The strength at which the player pulls, depends on the strength of the acid.
The strength at which the player pulls, depends on the strength of the acid.
Acids & Bases gameplay
Acids & Bases gameplay
Acids & Bases help menu
Acids & Bases help menu
Initial sketch concepts for the Acids & Bases game.
Initial sketch concepts for the Acids & Bases game.
Initial sketch concepts for the Acids & Bases game.
Initial sketch concepts for the Acids & Bases game.
Initial gameplay wireframes
Initial gameplay wireframes
Initial gameplay wireframes
Initial gameplay wireframes
Initial gameplay wireframes
Initial gameplay wireframes
In Intermolecular Forces, players use single atoms to build molecules of target polarities and create intermolecular forces.
Intermolecular Forces gameplay with live feedback as players build their molecule. 
Intermolecular Forces gameplay with live feedback as players build their molecule. 
Intermolecular Forces help menu
Intermolecular Forces help menu
Players attach an atom to change the polarity of a molecule.
Players attach an atom to change the polarity of a molecule.
Players can compare the strengths of different types of intermolecular forces.
Players can compare the strengths of different types of intermolecular forces.
Early Intermolecular Forces game concept
Early Intermolecular Forces game concept
Early Intermolecular Forces game concept
Early Intermolecular Forces game concept
Phase Change requires players to match the sequence of phases (solid, liquid or gas) in each target by adding or removing energy to affect particle motion and intermolecular forces.
The player breaks or forms intermolecular forces.
The player breaks or forms intermolecular forces.
In Equilibrium, players disturb reactions to shift equilibrium and cause changes in the system to match game targets.

Initial concept sketch for the Equilibrium game

During my time working on Collisions, I was leading the effort in updating the teacher portal and providing ideas for Google Classroom integration as well as a better user experience. 

Flowchart for the updated Collisions Teacher Portal

Teacher Portal main page
Teacher Portal main page
Teacher Portal class page
Teacher Portal class page
Learn more about the Collisions project in the following video:
Collisions booth at National Science Teaching Association
Collisions booth at National Science Teaching Association
Collisions booth at National Science Teaching Association STEM Forum
Collisions booth at National Science Teaching Association STEM Forum
Collisions has won awards such as the Academic’s Choice Mind Spring Award2018 Webby Award Honoree and 2019 Webby Award for Best Educational Game Honoree.
Reviews & Awards

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